I am writing this testimonial on my exceptional personal experience working with Kuang and Greenline Organic Health. In 2013, I met a few co-workers who were seeing Kuang and using Henry’s Internal Cleanser, and they couldn’t say enough about how great they were feeling. I stopped by one day on my lunch break, spoke with Kuang, he explained why I was having the issues I was having, and suggested a solution including using Henry’s Internal Cleanser daily.

I was overweight, lethargic, and constipated; I was miserable. Kuang’s advice and Henry’s Internal Cleanser worked, and it still works. I have lost OVER 80 POUNDS in two years, I have enough energy to workout 5 – 7 days a week, and I no longer have issues with constipation. Also, I generally feel better, I feel as if I have more mental clarity, natural energy, and I physically feel amazing.

I recommend Kuang, Greenline Organic Health, and Henry’s Internal Cleanser to anyone who wants to get healthy and drastically improve the quality of their life.


Kalie C.


Julie S.