
My name is Janet and I am what most people call a skeptic.

I grew up in a medical family, am an educated woman (I received two Bachelor Degrees), and am licensed as a Real Estate Broker in the State of Washington.

When I was introduced to Henry’s Internal Cleanser, I was skeptical, concerned and distrustful. And I took it to prove it wrong. Boy was I wrong.

I have been taking Henry’s Internal Cleanser for over 4 years now, I have referred it to no less than 50 people who I care about and who trust me, I have referred it to family members, friends, business associates and they in turn have referred it to THEIR family, friends and associates.

At first I didn’t see, feel or noticed a huge difference in myself. But after a couple of weeks, I realized that I was focused, happier, felt healthier, and got more done in my life. Then I then did what came naturally to me – I tested it.

After about 6 months, I stopped taking it and realized that I began to feel listless, lethargic, depressed and nothing got done in my world. It’s like my world stood still and nothing moved forward.

I then realized that I would try taking it again and lo and behold – I began to feel focused, happier, and healthier and the energies of my world began to move again!

I also noticed some peculiar changes in myself: some physical ailments were disappearing. Headaches were gone, hair was healthier, I wasn’t getting as sick as I would normally do, backache was not noticeable, I was more creative in work. My world was moving again!

I’m not touting that this is a miracle drug, but I am amazed that there has been changes in my body, mind and spirit.

I don’t know why it works, I don’t know how it works all I do know is that it DOES work. Like I said earlier – I have recommended this to my family, friends and associates and they too are using it.

I have been using Henry’s now for over 4 years now and would never change using it.

I am not paid to write this, I do not receive any funds to recommend this and I strongly suggest that a person at least try it. If you have any doubts, concern or questions, I will be happy to talk with anyone and give my opinions and my testimony in person.

I will be happy to talk with anyone and give my opinions.




Tommy J.