D. Lovell

I too suffered from hemorrhoids, and constipation from childhood. My grandmother kept me on cod liver oil.

Which led to high doses, and indigestion. In my thirties I suffered from boils, uterine fibroids, and severe constipation. In 2004 I moved to Newcastle and a coworker told me about your Rejuvelac.

We bought it to lose weight. But it put an end to my constipation, hemorrhoids, boils, and even lightened dark spots on my face! Now my mom is using it to reduce her arthritis!

I encourage anyone to TRY Rejuvelac!

It’s all natural, and helps everyone by exceeding expectations! We have even lost weight and kept it off!

MANY, MANY THANKS Mr Kuang for no more pain! And brighter complexions!


Hilary and Gary


Matt D.