Linda D.

I am a 53-year-old female and have been on a quest for better health. One year ago, I experienced migraine headaches 18 to 20 days a month where I was incapacitated, throwing up and missing out on life. My weight was on a steady increase. It seemed that every time I put anything in my mouth, I gained weight. My legs had been in constant pain for over five years. I began to have serious pain on my right side in the liver area. The medications the doctor gave me only complicated things by causing me other problems to deal with. At this point, I was desperate and sought alternative help.

Over the last year, I have lost four inches off each leg. I have my leg shape back and am free of leg pain. I found out that my legs were not fat but contained uric acid due to undigested proteins. I have lost 27 pounds and am maintaining my usual body weight. My migraines are gone, which is a miracle in itself! I began to have energy again. However, when I had an x-ray taken, the doctor couldn’t see what he needed to because of my full colon, I knew I could do more.

I came upon Kuang and his Greenline Organic juice bar quite by accident. I began taking Henry’s Internal Cleanser just three weeks ago and it has changed my life. Into the third week of taking the cleanser, I began to see worms in my stool. My skin has begun to change, my energy level has skyrocketed, and my overall health is changing. I still have a long way to go, but taking Henry’s Internal Cleanser has shown me that I need to be in control of what I put in my body.

Meeting Kuang and taking Henry’s Internal Cleanser has given me the ability to take control back over my own health. This is the one product that really does work!


Michael B.

