I was sent to you in a last ditch effort to save me. I have been struggling from IBS/Crohn’s/Diverticulitis, depending on which doctor – the diagnosis would change along with their recommendations. I dealt with that for almost ten years. Then it all came to a head last year, when on top of everything else, I got sick… real sick. I actually lost 35 pounds in about four days and I couldn’t keep anything in. I remember being in the bathroom and then the paramedics were there… after four liters of fluid and countless tests, they sent me home saying they didn’t know what was wrong with me.

I sent out a message to my men’s prayer group and was swiftly directed to you. After a quick conversation and some testing, you recommended some supplements and Henry’s Internal Cleanser. For once in my life, I followed the directions that you gave me and in two days I was better, not done, but better. I recently finished up my bottle of Henry’s Internal Cleanser and thought I was give life a try without it. I was good for about a month of two, and then the symptoms returned… slowly at first and progressively adding to the list.

I do believe that we all have to learn our own ways – I have learned! You have my total appreciation and acknowledgement both for your craft and your tools… Henry’s Internal Cleanser rocks!


Bobby E.


Angela M.