Deanna N.

I am 45-years-old now, but when I was 18 I had an eating disorder. I would throw up in the morning before I would eat anything. My thinking at the time was that the act of throwing up would relax my stomach so that I would be able to eat. I was 5’10” and 118 lbs… very thin. I did not think that I was fat and I truly wanted to eat, but I couldn’t eat very much. I starved myself from 18 until I was 23 and pregnant with my first child. She kind of saved my life.

Once I was pregnant, and after I had the baby, my weight was up to 140 lbs. At 25 years old, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I was hospitalized and began taking lithium. At about 35-years-old the doctor prescribed Wellbutrin for depression.

The Wellbutrin is known to cause constipation. I was having few bowel movements and I didn’t really think much about it at first. About two years ago, I talked to a local friend who suggested I start taking Henry’s Internal Cleanser and after talking with Kuang Lin, I told him I have a bowel movement once a month.

Kuang started me out with taking three scoops of cleanser with 12 ounce. of juice two times a day, followed by an 8 ounce glass of water. After about a week, I started having a bowel movement every morning. Kuang also gave me a recipe for a fiber-full drink full of vegetables that I mixed in the blender every afternoon. I took the cleanser for about two months and drank the fiber drink for about a week. I was having regular bowel movements and felt better.

After this time, I decided that I was better and I didn’t need the cleanser anymore. After stopping the cleanser and, of course, not having regular bowel movements, I saw my doctor and she ordered a colonoscopy. I did everything the doctor told me to do and the colonoscopy came back normal. I am back to having a bowel movement about once a week. I now know that it is time to start taking Henry’s Internal Cleanser again. It is the only thing that worked for me. I look forward to having more energy and feeling “brain alive” again.


Manuel and Leticia


Troy B.