
Being told by a doctor that I was the first person in his practice to be so young and have such an astonishing problem with severe constipation without a bowel movement in seven months was unheard of. I am a 21-year-old college student and have always had issues with having regular bowel movements in the past. It was normal for a two week period to go by without one. I was dealing with a lot of stress in a relationship and found myself in a situation where I became deeply depressed for about six months and then completely stopped eating. I later began to try to eat again and I couldn’t even release or keep food down. I was in trouble. I gained about 45 lbs. in a month or two and had visible blotches of discoloration on my face.

I have seen over 20 doctors in the past year and have yet to find a diagnosis or treatment until now. I have been doing Henry’s Internal Cleanser for about six months now and I have a normal movement at least once or twice a day. Imagine the relief I feel that I finally found something that actually works! I am very grateful to have found this godsend and am now able to actually cope with life better than before. I’m now 45 lbs. lighter and in a great mental status. I can say that Henry’s Internal Cleanser literally saved my life and I am here to say that I can’t even express my gratitude to be me again.


LC Otto


Merry O.